"...but of Love, of Joy and of a Sound Mind."

Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. Jude 24-25

Friday, September 30, 2005

Good morning

I am posting this from the production house that I working with today. I asked the production assistant for persmission to use her PC. I spent the morning reading Leonard Ravenhill's "Revival God's Way". Just three pages and I found myself closing the book to reflect what he just shared. I am very inspired by his passion in living for God, esp in the area of prayer. He spoke against "easy-believism" which was so rampent in today's "instant-noodle" Christianity. This is the second book on revival written in 1983. His first book, "Why Revival Tarries" was written in 1958, but the that he talked about, the condition of some churches was so prophetic. I guess he wasn't a popular dude in Christiandom, but he sure fired up some people such as Keith Green. I bet he will not be popular if he is alive today for the stand that he took for God.

Last week in the leadership conference. The speaker encouraged the leaders to build clocks and not be a leader that only tells time, but time and time again, we need people to rise up at certain time to stand up when it's needed. Just like in the days of Elijah when the priests of God were either executed or in hiding, out came Elijah who stood tall among the pagans. He was the man of the hour.

What kind of leader do I want to be? I want to be clock-builder indeed, but I also believe that I need tell the time and point my finger to the clock. The time indeed is not far before the Lord judge not just the world, but also the church. I pray that God's word will pierce the hearts of every reader and hearers so that they may be engulfed by the spirit that guides and empowers us to walk in the light of His glory.

I am having a hangover from playing last night's version of "In You" in my head. Shiok man! U have to be there to experience it. I hope we can replicate what we did in future, or better still let every experience be a brand new expression of praise, worship and thanksgiving to God!

What a Jam!

I couldn't call today's jamming session at Van's place a "jamming session" per se. First up I was early at Van's place and we did some sharing and then later Liang arrived and we had dinner with her family.

During the jam proper, things didn't go well for Van. It's probably because she is not too familiar with the songs yet. But the breakthrough came when we did "In You". Instead of doing the "In You" that CFS normally do, I asked Van to sing the TOSOG version. There was an funny feeling of peace when we did the chorus that went "You gave me a chance to believe in you..." I guess the "Don't change your opinion of me" plea in the lyrics and it's content also was the heart's prayer of Liang, Van and mine to the Lord. I am reminded thru Spurgeon that that when God created the first day and night, he called them "day". The bible didn't say he created it in 6 nights. But 6 days. In the same way, Christians that has been saved by grace are not known by their original condition ("sinners") but by what Christ is to us. Therefore we are known as Christians. Therefore when we sang "Don't change your opinion of me" we know that although we are sinners saved by grace, we are not known to God as sinners, but as a Christian, faithful and grateful bearers of His name!

The chorus led to the climatic chorus of "In You I find my peace, in You I find my place to be... It doesn't matter where we've been. You're always there to share my pain..." which we all sang as our final heart's cry to the Lord. It didn't end there, I told Liang to keep playing and we did the CFS version with the 3 part harmony, which musically I feel is the best I've written (ok, shameless plug here!) with a little help from my friends. Those verses is also about dispair, but the chorus of "In You" always bring whatever hopeless verses before it to a fitting climax.

After that we did "My creator" For the first time I concentrated on what I have written and what I really wanted to convey to my listeners, esp "little missy". I think it's because Liang and I played it really slow this time and didn't try to sing it over-poweringly (is there such word?!!). It's the song that was originallybased on a simple poem from Van's blog, I took it and gave it an extreme make-over. hahaha...

We ended the jam with some sharing where I sang Keith Green's Romans VII to them. I am glad I did, coz I know it touched their lives and they needed to know that they are not alone in feeling what Paul wrote about in Romans 7. And that song is a great encouragement even to me, 12 years after I listened to it. I bought that with my first pay check!

I feel that such times jamming at each other's house is so precious and different from doing it in church or a jamming studio. There is so much laughter, sharing and fellowship (tuning our focus on God with each other). I can't wait when Joel and Jon join us. The music seems secondary when we all hang out as a band, but it cannot be overlooked. At the end of it we must accomplish our purpose as a band; a healthy fellowship and excellent musicianship. Above all, Chirst must be the centre of all we do!

Pierced by the Word

I Love The Word of God. I don't say lightly. It is a terrible thing. "The voice of the LORD...strips the forest bare!" (Ps 29:9). By His Word, God created the universe. And when His Son comes again, His Word will be like a "sharp sword with which to strike down the nations" (Revelatioy 19:15). So I tremble before the Word of God.

But this trembling is sweet. There is a promise attached to it. God says, "This is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word" (Isaiah 66:2). Not every "look" of God is to be desired. But this one is. It is the look of blessing. And when God blesses the broken and contrite, His Word becomes Life. "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life" (John 6:68).

Yes, the Word pierces. And there is pain. But for those who trust in the living Word, Jesus Christ, all the piercing will be plesant in the end. The boil will be lanced. The cancer cut out. The poison removed. For those who trust the severe mercy of Jesus, all piercing is healing.
I pray that these meditations will reveal and not conceal the Word of God. May they become in your life the living embodiment of that Word and penetrate to the deep places of your soul. God has a good work to do there.

John Piper
(Introduction to the devotional, "Pierced by the Word")

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Playing drums this weekend

I am very excited about playing for the youth service this weekend. Ken is going to lead "Only One" and I've been listening to that song a lot to catch the drums. I even air drum to it on the bus, at a restaurant or a coffee house. It's such a challenge. I am also prepared to "chut seh" and use all my appropriate gear. Yes, Mr Peart will be making it's debut in the youth service this Sunday! The only exception are the crashes. The Paragon 16" may sound good, but because it's medium-weighted they are too loud for the L3 hall. I might be using Jon's K-custom dark as my crash. Yeah, then I also intend to use the 9000s and kick some heavy bottom (the bass drum lah, not ur butt) for "Only One"

Wah! Shiok! This weekend is also the debut gig of the new CFS. Joel may not be with us due to his busy schedule. I am glad that everyone is excited about it. It's going to be a private function; a wrap-party for the short-film that I worked on. The director is very supportive of this local music and we are the only band that day. Everything is going to be alright in Christ!

I'll be working for 5 days this week. Inistially it was only 2 days, but at the end of today, some companies confirmed some shoot this week. Praise God for work!

U know, I am really learning and appreciating the trials as well as the blessings that God has placed in my path. As I practice what I believe in, I feel at peace knowing that I am obeying the Word of God and doing his will, esp in the aspect of prayer, specifically supplication and intercession. Worrying really don't make us any better, since he said we should trust Him with all our hearts and to pray without ceasing, to walk by faith and not by sight, to please him with a heart of faith, etc... Since he gave us the instructions, I'll just follow and leave the results to Him. As long as I know I am glorifying Him in everything I do, I am satisfied.

There is nothing to worry about, when I do, I'll just have faith and believe in what He said...
There is nothign to worry about!

Monday, September 26, 2005

In memorium

I receive sad news from Jon on Saturday. Although I left the band at the end of July, knowing thta I won't here those songs again makes me sad. I would like to do one more session with the guys and I'd love to record "and Tomorrow" I think it would be a very appropriate end to the band. One good thing that will continue is the strong brotherhood we have establuished. Thanks Josh, Jon, Jason and Iain. Last but not least...

Thank you for the support through the years (u know who u are!)

Soli del gloria!

Thank You

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."
Rom 8:28

I look back at my life and saw the path that I've taken. The times when I lose my focus were the times I start ignoring God and everything I have learned to trust myself. How stupid I was back then! How stupid am I even today when I fail to trust God with all my heart and lean on my own understanding. No wonder, my path is not guided and I was found wanting! Yet everytime I trusted the Lord and not doubt His promises in His word. I have confidence and faith to go through even the darkest time of my life. They are tough, I complained and whined, but I trusted God to see me through those times. He helped me, I tasted His goodness, how can I afford forsake it? I know I will face trials again, each one is a test of how strong I have become. As much as I don't want them, I know I cannot afford to fail God in handling them. I just want to Trust Jesus more! It's hard to pray and say "I'll leave it in Your hands" when I am in my struggles, it takes faith to stand upon His word. Ultimately, God will will be accomplish in our lives if we love him.

As I grow older, I know should be wiser. Though I am still miles away from maturity, I am learning from my mistakes and I am determined never to repeat them again.

So help me God!
To put my faith in You
So help me God!
Before I come unglued
Called it my addiction I can't get enough of You
So Help me God!!!
To put my faith in You!

Keep and lose

Do not take that which u cannot afford to keep
Do not give what u cannot afford to lose
But give u cannot keep
And keep what u cannot lose

I was thinking about things that we cannot afford to keep and thing that we cannot afford to lose. First and foremost, God's love is something that we cannot keep coz we have to share Christ with the word and it's also something we cannot lose, for it's the love of God that is given to us so that we experience salvation for our souls.

What are the "earthly" things that we cannot afford to keep? This is a funny, yet a serious one. I hope u'll enjoy this.

1) Masturbation
- first of all, it's artificial sex! Might as well wait for the right time (marriage) then have the real thing which is more cool and more fulfilling. If u are a virgin today and people tell u it's not cool, they are fools!

2) Ungodly relationship
- Ah, my pet topic. Who says that making love is alright as long as it's "love"? Most of the time, it's "lust". A guy that always tell a girl "Oh, I love u so much, u're the only one... blah blah, black goat" is actually saying "Oh, I love your body so much, I cannot stop thinking of stripping u giving it to u...". Ask him to marry u after that and he'll probably say "I think u've mistaken my intentions" Guess what? I bet u're the one (mulitply by X) he loves so much.

- Girls, ur turn! U think u're going to get away with this? NAH! Don't be a sucker and let leechers suck he daylight and sensibilities out of you! Beware if u always say "Oh, I am so afraid to hurt him, he might do stupid things", well better him than u! Before u know it, he is over u. He might come back again, but if he did it to u once, he will do it again (there are exceptions). So learn to say "NO". It's so easy but yet it's just so hard to come out of your mouth. Not just say "no" if u must walk away give it to him where it hurts most so that he will learn R-E-S-P-E-C-T. But please lah, if u lead him on then say "oh, i've always treated u as a brother", let me see u fonder ur brother. HAHAHA...

- Some guys always think they are victims (yes sometime they are). This might be a stereotype, but men are generally emotionally stronger and should not be a whimp when a girl reject them. Some guys can't seemed to take "no" for an answer. If only they know what love truly is, it's looking out for the interest of the other person. If she is happily not in love with him, he should let it go if he loves her.

- If a guy or a gal every tell u "I love u, I'll leave my present bf/gf just to be with u". Guess what, if they would do it for u, they have the potential to do it to you.

- Ok if u cassanovas are protesting now, listen. Thank God u are the exceptional-one-chick-man. Keep it that way and do it God's way. Trust God, not ur *bleep*! Treat the gal that u like like u want others to treat ur future wife.



3) Material possessions
- MOney is good, but the love for money as the bible says is the root to all kinds of evil. There is truth in this. Once u have some, u wanna have more, when u have more, u want to have even more. In my job as a soundman, I've work in interviews with rich peaple and I just dun understand what kind of gratification money gives. MOney doesn't buy us a stairway to heaven. And MOney won't go up to heaven with us (probably because they will be burnt in hell)

-if u've always wanted an i-pod but cannot afford one, wait. I recommend another pod which is cheaper and nicer... curry pod... buy from the malay auntie sure garuntee satisfaction. Can buy many many somemore!

Ok times up! hahaha... This is fun though... sure kenna whack one!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Give me a confidence (ammended)

Give me a confidence to face each passing day
A chance to see Your pow'r at work in everyway
Do not be far from me in times my witness fails
But keep me near the cross and guide me while I'm here

The proding in my heart reveals a hunger in my soul
The life You gave I dare not waste
Cos it's not my own
Grant me the strength to trust in You in everything I do
Let every action, thought and word bring me closer to You

In You Pt 4

If I live my life for Christ, everything is His; my gifts, my talents, my wife, everything I have belongs to Jesus, even my troubles, stress and tears. In Him, I am fully satisfied. In Christ alone!

I wanted to erase the earlier post, but I don't want to so that u'll know I am human and I sometimes I am swayed by the weight of the world to act they way it demands, but God's way is not the world's way and I knew I had to let Him have that which hindered me. All that I have, all my cares and concerns - all are now in God's hands. I can't do anything without Him. He is not deaf to my prayers. I am greatly humbled by His majesty.

Pls forgive me for that outburst.

I need Your love around me
Surround me one more time
I know I had to change but I just don't have the time
Oh please forgive me
I know that I'm not right
Steer my right
Keep me by Your side

I humby bow before You
Before You one more time
I know I had to change
Let You change this heart of mine
And now I thank You
For giving more more try
Steer me right
Keep me by Your side

In You I find my peace
In You I find my place to be
It doesn't matter where I've been
You've always there to share my pain
I found love in You
I find it hard to not believe what you said in your word
I believe that it's strange but it's true

In times like these

I won't talk to u again until u tell me "Don't change your opinion of me when I'm down, down on my knees..."

Oh, pls forgive me for being so harsh. I have been warned that in youth ministry, if u love your youths, u've gotta be prepared for headaches, heartaches and lots of tears. Yet in the midst of these, we must trust God. Coz when we fail with our human strenth, God's hands will never fail us! Even if we fail, even if our youths fail. God's hands is still upon them and by His grace, He will woo them back into His arms. I trust u, Lord! I have to, I have no other way. The only way for me humanly is anger and sadness. But u see my disappointment and u collect all my prayers. If I don't trust u, then who can I trust?

How can I bear to watch them all fall and not help them up? They will fall again, I will still help them up. People gave up on me, but I proved to them that I can get back up and pack a greater punch because I trust the Lord. And though I messed up so many times in my youth. I messed up and lived to warn others not to go that way. Don't go that way, I plead with u all. Don't go that way...

Shhh... Pt 2

There is only so much we can do

If we want somebody to grow

Sometimes it's best to let them go

And just try to offer a shoulder or a hand

Pray that your silence they will understand

When our words nor our letters don't make sense to them

"Today's lack of interest in guidance to God has resulted in a lot more questions about how to seek guidance from God."

Back to the word, back to the word. I might have read a lot of Christian books, but I have not really went into reading the Bible. The books that I've been reading has been great for my spirit, but I find that if I don't open my bible, it's like being too relient on the other literature. Ok, I know I am being a little to hard on myself. But I love my bible, therefore I will read it everyday. It's so important that I keep in touch so that I know how to get guidance from God. First I have to know how to have a desire in getting guidance to God. That's where the human books coems in handy. They help us understand how to understand the bible, explains to us what the things that we do not understand. Then in the process as we pray and read our bibles, we get guidance from God to help us in the way we live.

Anyway, I was reading a book this evening and I thought about how the world failed to hold on to the moral standards that has been passed on. Failing to discern what the acceptable values of God through the scriptures are, we not only embrace the distorted values of this age but "give hearty approval to those who do them". For the fear of being rejected by others, many professing Christians compromise. Jesus had said, "If you love me you would keep my commandment" Failing to keep His commandment means a rejection of His love.

Wow, that is heavy. If I love God, I will keep his commandment. If I willfully disobey him, then it's the same as telling Him, "Jesus, I hate u" Woah...

I love u, Lord!

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Live for the day
Live life the way you want to
Give what you may
But don't let them take life from you

I feel very bad for making my feelings known about certain people over drinks this evening. I know that after that, the mood was different. I apologised. I just have to deal with it. I can't let such trivial thing affect me. I gotta be more mature than that! But that's the way I am. I seldom keep my mouths shut when I feel strongly about something. But perhaps the best thing to do is to be silent and pray. Although the my silence will betray me, it's better that way. The silence was worth a thousand words tonight though. I am too over-sensitive lah. I cannot be like this.

Nonetheless, nothing could take away the joy I experienced at the Jam at Van's place. I thought Liang and Van two new songs. I am very excited about it coz Liang is going to finish the half-finished song and Van sounded good. She really can be much better with more practice and more confidence.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I don't wanna fall away

This is a song by Keith Green. I dedicate to all who are weary and heavy laden. May the lyrics be a prayer for u to the Lord.

After all the things that you have shown me
I'd be a fool to let them slip away
In doing things I know I shouldn't do
But I don't want to fall away from you
From you

After all I've only grieved Your spirit
And then I don't know why You stay with me
But every time I fall Your love comes through
And I don't want to fall away from You

When the light is goneAnd good times are getting old
There's no one left to count on
And all my friends are cold
When I thirst for love oh Lord
You're a fountain to my soul
My soulMy soul
Oh Lord My soul

In a way my life is full of burdens
But in a way You carry them from me, Jesus
Cause no one understands the way You do
And you know Lord
I don't want to fall away from You
Well every day I pray to start anew
Cause I don't want to fall away from You
No LordI don't wanna fall away from You
No LordI don't wanna fall away from You
From You...Lord

Notes from my QT

These notes were taken while reading "Hard to Believe" By John MacArthur jr.

"I sat in the orchard, and thought, with sweet comfort and peace, of my God; in solitude my Company, my Friend, and Comfort."

- Henry Martyn in a statement written in his diary shortly before his death.

Allow the Word of God to frame your understanding of salvation. Christians manifest Christ's character and bear the marks of His life in them. They not only wear the name of Christ, but demonstrates the virtue of Christ. People will become like those whoes influence dominates them (Matt 10:24-25; Luke 6:40). A true believer acts like Christ. There will be lapses because of our humanness, but nonetheless there will be evidence of Christlikeness in the life of a true believer.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Church Again!!!

Yes, I was at the youth service yesterday to be exact. Prior to that I went to the morning prayer at 9am and though we only had 6 people there, it was a powerful time of agonizing in prayer. Later I joined the worship team for prayer and I played for the youth service later that afternoon. I thought I did so much better than on Wed. I feel so delighted about my playing though I am far from perfect, yet I felt so good and found my groove. If I continue to play after yesterday (and soon) I think playing groovy tunes will be come natural to me again. Yes, it feels unnatural when you do not practice a lot. I know that my form will slump again coz I will be busy with work again and won't play for any services again for sometime. Oh, I missed playing and I gave my all and was happy at the end of the service. Very Happy!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Little Missy

Little Missy looked very happy these days. That's according to photos in her friendster but couldn't help thinking about when she first misfire her shots. She may seemed happy now, but I wonder if it's worth it. Yet when I see her photos, she seemed geniunely happy. I know how miserable she felt when she was younger and she is still very young to me. Nonetheless this song still stands and Isaying "a prayer for [her] to find [her] way home".

Looking up at the stars in the sky
thinking of my creator
Sit there and wondering
I sat alone, alone in my bedroom
I closed my eyes n prayed
I'm nothing without his grace
Why would i want to love
Why would I want to?

Look for a star in the skies
I realised you're missing
I can't see you through the clouds
Why are you hiding?
Is space big enough for you
Reach for His love

Make sure your friends are those who dare to oppose you
Protecting you was their intention
There's no need to be afraid
Trust their devotion
Their saying a prayer for you to find your way home

When will I see you again
It's so hard to reach you
In the months that follow where are you?

Friday, September 16, 2005

Share share...

MR called me to ask me to lead worship in Oct & Nov while some of the wLs take a break. She asked me bout the rehearsal that we had on Wed which led me to ask bout the model for "praise & worship" (P&W) part of our church services. Since we have a "model prayer" in what is popularly known as "The Lord's Prayer", is there a model for P&W and what guidelines did the Scriptures give us in leadinq P&W? I will be taking some time to see what God says and what others writers say about P&W.

This concern has been in my heart for a long time as a result of what I observed as "a passionless worship". How do u define "passionless worship"? It's the condition where worship is not given with the whole heart, soul, mind and strength. Deep convictions of what we do will always be reflected through our lives. Conversely our lives is a reflection of our inner convictions. I am not talking about hypocritical behaviour, though I lament the fact that they church is filled with the genguine and the phonie ones. If the people who runs the worship in the Temple of God were priests of different level, a certain kind of expectations are imposed upon these servants. I believe that it's the same for any worship ministry, though we open our ministry doors to all believers (with a indefinitel probation period). Since we are in the position which was once occupied by priests, we all should also see ourselves in the same service and live according to the demands that is expected from those predessesors of the mordern worship ministry.

I am really looking forward to leading again. I really miss doing it. CX also told me about my role in the youth cell next year. I'm looking fwd to it and I'd like to be more ready than this year. I have much to learn from the more organized leaders. I think I'll still avail myself for the main and youth service teams as a stand-in drummer. Incidentally I am playing this Sunday for the youth service. Wednesday was the rehearsal and I really sucked. Joel thought I had some emotional problem coz I looked worn, but I told him honestly that I was just upset with my playing. I always get upset when my tempo fluctuates. I hate it! I am a drummer, I am suppose to keep time but I not consistent at all. I must admit, my lack of playing and practising (I practise only sticking exercises) is evident, but I'll do my best on Sunday. Believe it or not, I am nervous man! I just want to play my best and give my all.

Let me be

Will you share your pie with me. Let me share your fate. May I be the one you see. When things starts to fade.

If the sun refuse to shine. I'll hold out a light. If the stars fall from the sky. And the earth would quake.

Let me be the one that you believe in. I will reach for you. To save you when you're drowning. When the things around you starts to bring you round...

I will keep my word to you. Keep you close to me. When time's running out on you. Will you let me be the one that you believe in. I will reach for you. To save you when you're drowning. When the things around you starts to bring you round...

I went to Perry's funeral last night. Samantha looked ok, praise God for it. I hung out with the "International Chicks" and Darius and got to know one of their friend Cheryl. She was listening to Hillsongs on my iPod that triggered a chain of discussion leading to her asking me seriously about what she should do with her spiritual life. I could see the longing she has in her spirit for God to restore her life again. I encouraged her to be assured of what the Lord has promised and the only way to find out is to read it for herself. I quoated a bunch of verses to help her, I hope those helped. I really want to invite her to R-age, but I didn't. May be it's because I won't be at YA service and because I doubted we can meet her specific need, and also partly because she have her reservations about charismatic churches (but she listen to Hillsongs, hahaha). I told her about some churches that has powerful preaching such as Adam Road Presbyterian Church. Now I am considering asking her to come to our youth service just to hang out. Even Darius was listening intently. The only regret was that I Nikky looked so left-out and I bet she is freaked out by the preachy side of me.

I am still far from being good in handling God's word. Goes to show just how much I need to study the Bible.

Thank God for work

Now that work has picked up, I'm thankful yet apprehensive because I really miss slacking and taking my time to study God's word. What I long for now is some time catching up with SW. She has been working hard because business wasn't great for me until late last month yet she always supported me doing what I do now. I don't know how to repay my gratitude to her but she is easy to love. So I'm glad that I'm doing my part now with all these jobs coming my way. hahaha... actually I'll be packed on my diary til next Fri, who knows what will happen after that. It's in God's hands.

The Lord has provided thru my work in the past month. It's an answer to my prayers and a confirmation of my disposition. Therefore I'll continue to be faithful to the promise I made.
With success, the will come a time that I might taste defeat. Though I ask for none, I pray that I'll be proven righteous in Christ when I am tested. In my pursuit of Godly wisdom, I hope I am more disciplined and determined as I fight of various distractions.

Oh how I long to know You more so I miqht teach others to follow You. Pour out Your annointing on me to teach, correct, rebute, preach and to train others in Your perfect way.
The burden is heavy, I cannot carry the load alone that is why we need to pray. I realise that God does answer our prayers, not on our terms but His. So even though things doesn't go my way, I know that God had allowed it to happen. What is important now is to persevere in praying for revival in my house and my church because I have a desire to see people genuinely changed for the glory of God. May the Lord convict them and lead them back to Him unconditionally on His terms. If we give superficially, it will be of no benefit at all because Jesus has all along been Lord of all.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Matthew 7: 21-24

Mat 7:24-29
"Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. "And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock. "Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. "The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell--and great was its fall." When Jesus had finished these words, the crowds were amazed at His teaching; for He was teaching them as one having authority, and not as their scribes.

The difference between the wise man and the foolish man is what they did and didn't do. Both of them build the same house with the same designs, shape and sizes. Yet it's the foundation that shows who is the wiser one. Who are the fools? Those that doesn't have a firm foundation. Who is our firm foundation? It's Jesus Christ! He is our real Rock! The ones that "hears [his] words and acts on them"

These are the two kinds of people that are in our church. Some may be serving but they have no foundation. What they have are shallow and will give way when the storms come. Surely as God is able to keep us from falling. he will not hesitate to let the foolish ones fall. But while we are still living in a period of grace, may we come to realisation of our need to strengthen our faith deeper in Christ through His Word.

Oh may I never be one that hears the word then forget it. May Your word be my foundation!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Oh Lord, my God
Your glory fills the whole earth
My life is surrounded by your witnesses
The sun, moon, stars and all other matter
The birds, fishes and all that lives
The earth and the seas and everything in it were created by You
They stand since the beginning of time to be witnesses for You
In them I see Your splendor and majesty
Let my life be filled daily with Your glory


I am enjoying my work and for the first time I really feel the test of my faith, a personal struggle within to do what I want to do but I do not. I hope that I will stand firm even though I do not have time to spend with the Lord in quiet time, I have to keep my heart in an attitude of prayer and worship in what I do. Sometimes I feel bad for not praying enough even in those situation. I know there is nothing wrong with me and I have to remind myself what the Lord says in His word. Oh His word! I miss His word! Time to meditate on it tomorrow. Therefore I will stop updating tonight and wait upon the Lord before I sleep and to start my day with him when I wake.

Jeanie wrote a very moving testimony about the Cell kids. I am very proud of them. I am glad to have been part of that group of youngsterz. I really love them lotz! I really miss the youth service too. Going to service is one thing, but going to Youth service is another. Not being there for 3 weeks makes me long for it after reading and listening to all the testimonies. All the e-mails also make me miss R-age.

Oh Lord, even whn I love the ministry and work in church, remind me to put u as my first love and not to put those other things above u.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

An Honest Assessment of me

"For the first time, i realised Jenn's growing in his faith even though he failed to even go through the introduction of the systematic theology, especially the way he views and examine teachings from every teachers and pastors...I felt troubled with jenn's confused theology, with regards to the Elect and how he simply rely on MacArthur's writings. I always advocate christians to think for themselves and not buy into everything pastors or teachers preach on the pulpit, always examine it in the light of the Scriptures."

Hi Dan! Thanks for your honest assessment about me. U are not wrong about it. Oh how I wish I have more time devoted to studying the Word of God systematically and be a good student of the Word rather than MacArthur or any other authors. Pls pray for me.

It's been a busy week for me. I've been working for 7 straight days and there are 4 more week and 4 more next week. I was wondering how come things are so busy now and I realised that some of the soundman had chosen this month to get married/ ROM. It's a blessing in disguise, I thank God for the opportunity to work. But the downside of it is that I forgot to bring my books out to read, not even my bible. That is really pathetic of me! I am so lazy, instead of reading what I should, I am reading some book about the six-day war. Thank God that He is not finished with me yet. I know this is a test of my commitment, esp to the resolution I made. I have not accomplished it it for the past 2 weeks, this week will be a challenge I dare not want to fail. To make matters a little more challenging I am having a cold that is why I am not going to church this morning. I am suppose to rest at home and rest I will.

O tis' so sweet the grace that embraces even me!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

When theology doesn't matter

In the video that Ps Ronald showed us, one of the pastors in Guantamala shared that you do not need to know theology to be saved. Indeed when we first get saved, we didn't know much about theology and yet we have this exilerating desire to know God more, to serve Him more and to love him more. What an exciting time it was. While sharing the gospel and being born-again doesn't require great theological knowledge. However spiritual matuarity demands that we gain knowledge to know God more and to serve him better. A Christian that stays in infancy, as Leonard Ravenhill said, is deplorable. What more among the leaders!

I cannot imagine our youth leaders thinking that it's ok, since the video said we do not need much theology to save others from hell. But how does the babe in Christ grow if the leaders are weak in theology? Therefore, we as youth leaders are without excuse to exercising our faith and studying the word of God and sharpen our theology so that we can help the youths to grow.

What am I doing about it? I will still study the word of God and I will continue to pray at all times in the spirit. Who would join me? Who would weep with me? Who would stand by my side? Lord, I know u are with me and u fight for me. Please help us and strengthen us as we plead on our knees until revival starts and may that revival one that tarries.

I'm still waiting...

Monday, September 05, 2005

Pardon me...

We count successes based on figures
Lay out the accounts up on the table
Count the money, mount the debts
Sacrifice the people, count the dead
Contact headquarters and spread the news

We've reached our target, that's something new!
Objective accomplished in record time

We praise the Lord with all our might
We bow our knees and never whine
Declare to the masses the increase in our fellowship
Tally the books, what's the cost of discipleship?
We have sacrifice holiness for a hypestry
When quality loses out to quantity
We can't keep the lying to ourselves
When the road to heaven is harder than hell
Pardon me if I sound so furious and loud
Quit playing games and start living life now

Prayer that tarries

It was a great emotional and spiritual experience when the saints gather together to pray like what we did yesterday morning. Ps Ronald's reminder is still ringing in my ears. It reminded me about that AW Tower said about altar-call, "Dun come to the altar to (merely) pray about it, go home and live it" (emphasis mine). At first it sounded like he was pouring cold water over the fire that was building in the room, but it was so apt that he said what he said. What a timely reminder about persevering in prayer and in our spiritual walk in the midst of so many distrations.

I prayer and I cried when we sang "Believe", not because I "can't even find my bible" or the power of the christ has left me, it just that when I work I don't spend much time in prayer in the spirit (coz multitasking is not my forte). That was why I sometimes say "I miss God". I know He'll never leave me nor forsake me, I must live by faith knowing and believing what He is with me despite being busy. Sadly, it proves that I am not totally Christ-minded all the time. I may not be on my knees praying, but I really want to "pray in the spirit at all times with all kinds of prayers" (Eph 6:18) Revival cannot happen if the people don't pray. I felt the need for revival in R-age, in Grace Assembly of God. I need to pray!

Manrong reminded me today about Rex "prophecy" at the retreat. Frankly speaking, I didn't think about what he said much, but I didn't doubt God has already begun working in my since last year. What Rex spoke about to me and SW was like a confirmation. But I realised that the youths and my friends are watching my life. Like it or not I am under the microscope to some people (All the more I have to under the guidiance of the Spirit at all times).

Oh help me O Lord as I go to work now to always keep my spirit in touch with Yours...

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Revival in our midst

Hear my cry O God
Don't turn Your face away from me
Here's my heart O GOd
May Your love and mercy
Wash over me

Take Your truth and let it be
A river of love
That flows through me
Take these eyes
And let them see
The power to heal our land
Come heal our land

Once again the focus of our monthly prayer meeting for the second time is on revival. There were many passionate prayers and tears but I know that our prayers today will amount to naught if we do not continue to pray outside of that prayer meeting; if we cease to pray in our homes, at our schools or at our work places. If we do not continue to pray we will not see the fruit at all.

How can our services be filled with God's power; the power to repent and transform from our self-indulgent ways? Through preaching of the Word. How is the preaching empowered? By the prayers of the saints! The service is about 2 hours long, but the real power behind the service is the hours of intercession and tears that caused the Lord to have mercy on us and move through our service in power. It's not just a superficial power that we always hear about. It's a power that breaks down every will of man; to cause them to realise that he is nothing. When we decrease, Christ will increase. If we look at the condition of our spritual life now, have we really decrease so that Christ can increase in us?

Listen my friends, we sang the song "I'm not satisfied..." when we do things our way, on our terms we will not be satisfied. But if we do it God's way on His terms through total submission to His will, we will be satisfied. Like I share yesterday, "When God becomes our priority, we will not be concerned about ourselves but we will become more concerned with God's concern."

What is stopping us from turning our eyes upon our Saviour? Turn back! Turn back to when we first begun. Turn back to where Jesus is our first love. Dun lose your first love, if not God will remove our light stand. What makes the church? It's its people; they are a reflection of the church. If the people are not completely sold out to Christ, we will perish just as the Ephesian church did as John warned in Revelation. They lost their first love!

Go back to where we began! I must admit that these days, I tend to love theology more than I love Christ, but that is not right! Theology magnifies and upholds Christ; it's is only a tool and I fell into the trap of worshipping wisdom and not the giver of wisdom. Get back! I got back to the time when I loved Christ so much and I didn't have any theology. It was so innocent. It's just the most gratifying and satisfying feeling to love Him without distraction.

Get back to before it went wrong. It's time to return to our first love when nothing got in the way. The time when we were so exciting about worshipping, attending services and bible studies. At least that was what I was excited about in the past. I have not lost the fire though I admit I hid it away for a while. It's time to return back to where it was simple then and from there walk on and not be distracted as we grow from strength to strength.

Lastly, revival is all about saving souls. But we cannot save others if we do not save ourselves. The great commission is for everyone of us and we all have a part to play. Besides waking up a sleeping church, we are also doing our part to share the gospel so that they will be snatched from the road that leads to hell. May the Lord be gracious unto us and cause His light and favour to go before us as we submit to His Lordship exclusively and unconditionally.

Hear my cry O God Don't turn Your face away from me...

Seek Him First

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you..."

When God becomes our priority, we will not be concerned about ourselves but we will become more concerned with God's concern about us. His concern for us is that we will be filled with the Holy Spirit to live a God-glorifying life and be fully satisfied in Him. When we desire what God desires, He becomes our desire. John MacArthur wrote, "He will place in your heart desires that reflect His will." Therefore no matter how lacking we are of earthly treasures, in reality we lack nothing because God has become our ultimate, eternal and most-satisfying treasure.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Words from a hospital bed

This is actually from the original "Happy Everyday" idea that I came up with 5 years ago. I force myself to think out of the box, out of the usual way I'd think. So I came up with an idea of a nurse talking to a patient. Then I thought, "Why must the nurse be the one who speak?" Hospital stays can be pretty boring if you are an outdoor person and our imagination can go wild. So let's imagine for the sake of it; imagine that your hospital bed could talk...

I wish you a very good morning
Before you get out of bed
You said you're feeling weak and you're sick
I really dunno what to say

Where is the pain that you're feeling
Is there a nail in your wrist
Is there a torn in your flesh that you've missed
Do you know just what it is?

I can see your body's beaten
Yet you don't know how it is
I can show you the broken pieces
You still won't know what it is

But be glad that you're breathing
There's something to look forward to
No matter what you're going through

I can see where your life is heading
Yes sir you have the right to choose
You said I have no right to judge you
But I reserve the right to speak

So be glad that you're living
The words from athis hospital bed
Is something that you cannot lose

Take it or leave it
Dun try to avoid everything
Before you know it everything is cool

Eventually every living thing will die and the non-living things will be in ruins and the old hospital bead will be replaced by more technological innovations. The old hospital bed reminance the golden days when those of it's kind are the most needed throughout the world. It sees those golden days blown away... perhaps it's a punishment for "talking" so much.

When it's all said and done
There's no words left to say
We can run like fools in the sun
Where no one stops us when we play

When our gold turns to dust
Tossed and turned by the breeze
I'll be blown like chaff in the wind
Coz nothing stays the same old way

Happy Everyday...

What could have replaced these old hospital beds? May be those technologically advanced massage-chair models? Hmmm...

Thinking of you

Another idea for a song!

Thinking of you
Can't live without you
Won't you stay by my side
Dreaming of you
As I wait on you
Thank God you heard my cry

Would you believe me if I told you?
I still love you though I failed you
Would you accept me like you used to?
Would forgive me if I asked you?