"...but of Love, of Joy and of a Sound Mind."

Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. Jude 24-25

Monday, September 26, 2005

Keep and lose

Do not take that which u cannot afford to keep
Do not give what u cannot afford to lose
But give u cannot keep
And keep what u cannot lose

I was thinking about things that we cannot afford to keep and thing that we cannot afford to lose. First and foremost, God's love is something that we cannot keep coz we have to share Christ with the word and it's also something we cannot lose, for it's the love of God that is given to us so that we experience salvation for our souls.

What are the "earthly" things that we cannot afford to keep? This is a funny, yet a serious one. I hope u'll enjoy this.

1) Masturbation
- first of all, it's artificial sex! Might as well wait for the right time (marriage) then have the real thing which is more cool and more fulfilling. If u are a virgin today and people tell u it's not cool, they are fools!

2) Ungodly relationship
- Ah, my pet topic. Who says that making love is alright as long as it's "love"? Most of the time, it's "lust". A guy that always tell a girl "Oh, I love u so much, u're the only one... blah blah, black goat" is actually saying "Oh, I love your body so much, I cannot stop thinking of stripping u giving it to u...". Ask him to marry u after that and he'll probably say "I think u've mistaken my intentions" Guess what? I bet u're the one (mulitply by X) he loves so much.

- Girls, ur turn! U think u're going to get away with this? NAH! Don't be a sucker and let leechers suck he daylight and sensibilities out of you! Beware if u always say "Oh, I am so afraid to hurt him, he might do stupid things", well better him than u! Before u know it, he is over u. He might come back again, but if he did it to u once, he will do it again (there are exceptions). So learn to say "NO". It's so easy but yet it's just so hard to come out of your mouth. Not just say "no" if u must walk away give it to him where it hurts most so that he will learn R-E-S-P-E-C-T. But please lah, if u lead him on then say "oh, i've always treated u as a brother", let me see u fonder ur brother. HAHAHA...

- Some guys always think they are victims (yes sometime they are). This might be a stereotype, but men are generally emotionally stronger and should not be a whimp when a girl reject them. Some guys can't seemed to take "no" for an answer. If only they know what love truly is, it's looking out for the interest of the other person. If she is happily not in love with him, he should let it go if he loves her.

- If a guy or a gal every tell u "I love u, I'll leave my present bf/gf just to be with u". Guess what, if they would do it for u, they have the potential to do it to you.

- Ok if u cassanovas are protesting now, listen. Thank God u are the exceptional-one-chick-man. Keep it that way and do it God's way. Trust God, not ur *bleep*! Treat the gal that u like like u want others to treat ur future wife.



3) Material possessions
- MOney is good, but the love for money as the bible says is the root to all kinds of evil. There is truth in this. Once u have some, u wanna have more, when u have more, u want to have even more. In my job as a soundman, I've work in interviews with rich peaple and I just dun understand what kind of gratification money gives. MOney doesn't buy us a stairway to heaven. And MOney won't go up to heaven with us (probably because they will be burnt in hell)

-if u've always wanted an i-pod but cannot afford one, wait. I recommend another pod which is cheaper and nicer... curry pod... buy from the malay auntie sure garuntee satisfaction. Can buy many many somemore!

Ok times up! hahaha... This is fun though... sure kenna whack one!


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