"...but of Love, of Joy and of a Sound Mind."

Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. Jude 24-25

Monday, January 14, 2008

Creating a song (a work in progress)

I was doing my devotion this morning when I decided to read the whole chapter of the text. The original text for today's reading was simply "Mighty to save" - ISa 63: 1. This simple phrase is the sum of the whole chapter. I was then inspired to copy and paste the whole chunk of scripture into some kind of prose (as opposed to poetry). Anyway, this is a powerful verse that demonstrate the sovereignty of God.

You led Your people, To make for Yourself a glorious name (Isa 63:14)
Even when we have become like those over whom You have never ruled,
Like those who were not/never called by Your name. (v19)
O Lord, you are mighty to save (v1)

You cause us to stray from Your ways and harden our heart from fearing You? (v17)
Yet I shall make mention of Your lovingkindnesses, the praises of You, LORD
According to all that You have granted us,
The great goodness toward the house of Israel, Which He has granted them according to His compassion And according to the abundance of His lovingkindnesses. (v7)

(to be completed later...)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

How have I been?

I made an observation about myself since Contender Asia. The next realisation was during the Beijing trip in December . During that trip I was afraid that I might get trapped by the lure of the TV set. However during my stay in Beijing, TV wasn't a problem and I did had a great time with the Lord every morning reading John Piper's Pierced by the Word and Charles Spurgeon's Morning and Evening (though I only read the morning readings). Evening is the worse time for devotion. I was distrated by the internet in Beijing and the TV in my hotel room in Bangkok (was there for 3 days this week).

Now sitting in Thailand's airport waiting for the transfer flight to London, I decided to take out my laptop to do some surfing. Doing my devotion was last on my things-to-do list for the two hour wait, but I decided to do it (via http://www.spurgeon.org/). O how the sweet Spirit of God works his way amongst us. And within myself, the Spirit has set the tone for my behaviour for the trip. There is so much me in me which is so ugly. If the real me unleashes himself, it's really ugly and makes me a total filth. I desire to be more like what God would have me to be. Despite all my struggles to be "perfect", I know i will always fall short. However it doesn't mean I cease to better myself. I only do that if I die... zoom, straight to glory! My time is not up yet. There is so much life to Share with SW. So many things to teach and do with Chia Ee. Too many more people to share the light of Christ with... to share the light of Christ... and back to my devotion today. What a timely reminder to stop talking about myself when there is nothing in me to boast about apart from the Cross and my Saviour. I hope u'll be as blesses as I do.

It's been a long time since I shared. It's great to do it again in my present position - hiding behind the cross, but standing on the top of a hill. What shines is not me, but the One before me.

"I have yet to speak on God's behalf."—Job 36:2.

We ought not to court publicity for our virtue, or notoriety for our zeal; but, at the same time, it is a sin to be always seeking to hide that which God has bestowed upon us for the good of others. A Christian is not to be a village in a valley, but "a city set upon a hill;" he is not to be a candle under a bushel, but a candle in a candlestick, giving light to all. Retirement may be lovely in its season, and to hide one's self is doubtless modest, but the hiding of Christ in us can never be justified, and the keeping back of truth which is precious to ourselves is a sin against others and an offence against God. If you are of a nervous temperament and of retiring disposition, take care that you do not too much indulge this trembling propensity, lest you should be useless to the church. Seek in the name of Him who was not ashamed of you to do some little violence to your feelings, and tell to others what Christ has told to you. If thou canst not speak with trumpet tongue, use the still small voice. If the pulpit must not be thy tribune, if the press may not carry on its wings thy words, yet say with Peter and John, "Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee." By Sychar's well talk to the Samaritan woman, if thou canst not on the mountain preach a sermon; utter the praises of Jesus in the house, if not in the temple; in the field, if not upon the exchange; in the midst of thine own household, if thou canst not in the midst of the great family of man. From the hidden springs within let sweetly flowing rivulets of testimony flow forth, giving drink to every passer-by. Hide not thy talent; trade with it; and thou shalt bring in good interest to thy Lord and Master. To speak for God will be refreshing to ourselves, cheering to saints, useful to sinners, and honouring to the Saviour. Dumb children are an affliction to their parents. Lord, unloose all Thy children's tongue.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

Joshie walks

Last year, SW and I joined her sister and some friends for a hike at MacRichie Reservior without Chia Ee. Today we joined the same group of people plus Chia Ee to Sungei Buloh. Since returning from Beijing on Christmas Eve, I only have one day's of work. I thank God for the time of rest. My body certainly needed it and the time I spent with SW and Chia Ee were so priceless! I was initially confirmed a job that required me to return to Beijing on the 27th (but eave on 26th evening), but that was too soon after my return. So I passed on that job and I have no regrets about it. Well, to make up for it, the same company is sending me for another shoot in London in mid January. That's not a bad exchange at all. ; )X

I am not ready for the new challenges of a new year. One important resolution I've made is to resolve to do my QT one hour before I start on the day's activities (which is usually breakfast). I tried this when I was in Beijing and found it totally refreshing in the morning. Here goes... Yahoo!!

Joshie is dancing already?