Doing what I do best - posing
I returned from New Zealand last night and Joshie was there with SW and Jennifer. It was then I found out Joshie had been hospitalised again for brocholitis again while I was away. SW didn't want me to worry so she didn't mention that to me in her SMSes and E-mails. She is such a sweeite. I know I'll quite a wreck if I heard about the news in Christchurch.
Buddies: Fifi and me (Grant is in the background)
The shoot was very memorable. Not only because we visisted some really great location and met a lot of beautiful people, but it was a time to consider taking the family there for a holiday some day. Professionally speaking, shooting in winter really takes a lot of preparation; both mental and physical. I was glad I forced myself to go for runs and swims during the 3 weeks of lull. The physical strain would have taken it's toll on me if I wasn't prepared. The Beijing and London shoot in Dec and Jan helped too. Edmond, Chen, Andrea DeCruz and Samantha Tan were a joy to work with and the crew as always were top-notch. All these factors made the shoot memorable abeit the long hours and the little sleep we got each night.
Large but extremely quiet landscape
One regret in this trip was the failure to meet Gerard coz he was North Island while I was in Christchurch. He only yesterday afternoon. But I managed to speak to him over the phone and passed the things he needed to his friend, Al.
With Andrea, Fifi and some New Zealanders
Ok, I had too much ang moh food over there. I think I put on a few kilos. Now it's time to hit the track and the gym before I go for my ICT next week. The next shoot will be in Shanghai and my meeting with Kurk and Joey there. Nelson will be covering for me in Cambodia and Hungary (Lucky bastard! wahahha...). It's great to be working again after that break. I hope the production house could confirm my services for their drama in July. Yes, I am worried when I know shouldn't.
Edmond, Samantha and Andrea
"His eyes is on the sparrow...and I know he watches me..."
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