"...but of Love, of Joy and of a Sound Mind."

Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. Jude 24-25

Monday, April 03, 2006

Just whack what's in my head

"Rejoice and be glad for your reward in heaven is great..."

Great entry! Sharing some of ur struggles. U are not afraid of sharing them. U are vulnerable to attacks of more struggles, but u are so confident in ur faith in Christ to overcome them. The bible verse above was directed to those who were persecuted for their faith. The struggles in our lives are a kind of persecution, i.e of mind, body or spirit. Our reward in heaven is great and in light of this truth, ur struggles (which u may face all ur life) is not forever! What is a "life time" in the light of eternity?

The truth that our present struggles is nothing compared to eternity can be made more vivid through the following considerations:
First, the struggles that we go through, no matter what kind, is but a speck of dust in light of eternity.

The struggles comes back to haunt u only in times of great emotional distress or a careless time of letting ur mind wander out of the will of God. But the times when the struggles cease to have a power of ur life is when u the Word of the Lord is high and lifted up in ur thought and ur life. So the struggles is for a time! They will be cast out into the flames of hell by the Lord Jesus and he will purify you in due time.

Second, the struggles that we go through, no matter how painful, is reminder of what different world eternity will be.

The Lord never give us a promise in the Word which he cannot fulfil. These promises are not for everyone, except those who bear His name, have His Word written in their hearts. Having no desire for the present life but always keeping their eyes in the kingdom to come. He has spoken and he has promised that all tears will be wiped away (doesn't mean we won't cry in heaven, I believe there will be tears of joy); He has also promised that there will be no more pain and sorrow; We will inherit the treasures as co-heirs with Christ Jesus whom we gained access to all these things; There the treasures are for ever where moth and rust cannot destroy; there we will have a glorified body that will not be afflicted by diseases; There we will have fellowship with Christ forever and The Lord shall be our delight for evernity. These are the promises that we eagerly wait. Where the glory of the Lord shines, not a speck of dust can be seen!

Thirdly, the struggles of this life humbles us so that we will rely totally in Christ.

When God created the man and women. He made them in His image. The first man and woman had the fullness of God's glory in them. Pride took away that glory, because God would not share his glory with another. The opposite of "pride" is humility. And God clothes us with His glory when we live for Him. Sin causes us to miss God and blinds us from God's glory. Those who calls on the name of the Lord, repent and return to Him will have their sights restored and His glory savoured in the life of the believer.

Forthly, the struggles in this life cannot be compared to the struggles our Lord and Saviour went through at the cross.

We only have our pain and struggles to carry, or some of our friend's problem too. However the Lord Jesus bore the whole darn weight of the world when he hung on the cross and even the Father had to turn his eyes away from His son because of the sin that he bore. Jesus Christ obeyed the will of the Father because he hand eternity in His sights. As a man, pain is something no one wants to go thru. But thru His pain, we're given new life just as He was given new life when he rose from the grave. To this newness in Christ we live in and for the glory of God we live for.

What is the power of a struggle or a failure(s) that causes a a person to make or break their will to live?

The lies of the world makes a person believe in himself, but Christ wants to break his reliance on himself and make him the new person who will depend on Him always. Also Christ can make a person by restoring unto them the glory that they were created for and break the bondage of sin that causes much pain.

In ur struggling, it doesn't mean that u are not in Christ. Certainly not because thru ur struggles, ur faith is ever increasing. If what ur friend said about your struggle throughout ur life is true, if that struggle causes u to gain Christ. Isn't that struggle a good struggle? Yet we know by His promise that struggles are only for this life time and we are being perfected daily more and more in to His lifeness. In lihgt of this, delight in Christ and the struggles will be a speck of dust in the universe. But let's be aware and not kid ourselves because the Spirit of God bears witness with our conscience. God's promises to us is sure, "yea and amen". Continue to trust in Him and allow His spirit to transform ur life and I pray that your struggle will cause u to grow stronger and stronger in the Lord.


At 1:17 PM, Blogger sloshblob said...

jenn, i love this post. it spoke right to my heart and i was encouraged =)

At 1:52 PM, Blogger :)X said...

Hey sam!

I am glad it spoke to ur heart!


At 11:13 PM, Blogger Benita said...

Hmm, in a way a struggle can be a good thing - shows that there is an awareness of fight being put up. If there's no struggle..Then something is wrong somewhere! In Cecilia's words, "Go home and check if you are born again!" Bible study is ever so wonderful (:

At 12:03 AM, Blogger :)X said...

Yes, tonight's one left a particular impression in me....


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