Hardened Hearts
If the Lord gave us His life, why couldn't we give up ours for His sake? This is because the cares of this world has blinded our eyes and our hearts have been hardened. Like voices carried in the wind, it bounces off the rocks and exist only as far as it's initial force could carry in the form of an echo. That's what the Word of the Lord has become for a lot of us, mere echoes that we hear ringing in our ears as it bounces of hardened hearts.
Yet there is nothing you can do about it, because that is the nature we are born with. In our own strength, it's impossible to be set free unless the power of the Holy Spirit breaks the hardeness of your heart and create a new heart in you, then can salvation be secured.
Once you have tasted the goodness of God, you'll never want to taste anything else. It's Jesus or nothing!
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Yes, indeed some will fall away. I am speaking in terms of a true believer. A true believer in Christ never fall away. How can they fall? If they fall, then the question to be asked is "were they truly born-again". For the goodness of God that leads us to salvation is so irrisistable! Once u've tasted the best, others dun even come close!
What's more if our relationship with the Lord is sweeter and sweeter as the days goes by we want more of him. Only those who's walk didn't match their talk fall into oblivion which resulted from failure to savour and enjoy God in all that He has done and will do.
True, U know I've been reading a lot about spurgeon lately and it really makes me want to know what Calvinism is about. It's not a secret that my thoughts are a bit swayed towards it, but I still have my reservations about certain points. May be it's time for us to hang out and talk about it.
The gift and calling of God is irrevocable. As such, even though we sin due to the nature of the flesh and mind, which we constant battle with until we subject it to obedience to Christ, we do not continue to live in sin. We do not continue to live as if we are not regenerated. For surely we are still discovering the extent of our sinfulness thru out our lives, the Holy Spirit cries our within us to turn from sin and to God.
Tell me if this is Calvinistic. I prefer to call it CHristian. I am not saved by Calvin, but by Christ! hjahaha... here goes...
So they also say "once saved always saved", yes indeed! And the ability to see the light is not because we decided to believe, coz on our own we are utterly useless because of sin. But the Spirit open the eyes of sinners which result in them begging for mercy from God (as opposed to just an emotional outburst, I am talking about one who really sees his miserable state)
So Calvinism believes that the spirit enters a sinner which enables him to be born-again, if now it is impossible for him thru his own effort to be saved (Sovereign will of God)
Arnimism states that thru the free will of man who respond to the Gospel, the spirit then enters the sinner and began the work of regeration.
Our church stand in-between: While it's the sovereign will of God, it's also the choice of man.
I am so blur, it's so arhghgh...
What u think?
Confirmed! we need to meet up! LEt's meet for to do some BS, man! What u think?
Keep going, it was good to read.
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